What are your Restoration Methods?
The primary process of getting items down to bare iron is electrolysis. A lye solution soak may start things off, and good old fashioned elbow grease finishes the process. Every effort is made to not leave any marks. Customers must however understand that there is a human doing actual physical work on your item, and sometimes a mark may get left behind. More often than not the process will reveal scratches, pits, and dings that
were buried under years, even decades, of build up. This is generally known as "character", and is understood to be part of the originality
and uniqueness that is YOUR cast iron.
Items are gently brought to a nominal temperature in an conventional oven, A very light coat of Crisco is applied, then it is baked at an even higher temperature to polymerize the fats. The item is allowed to cool The heating, coating, and polymerization process is then repeated two more times.
Click on the "Contact" page and send us an email. We'll respond with
the particulars about sending items in for restoration, and can answer
any other questions you may have.
How Long Does the Process Take?
Given that some items need more soaking and hand work time than others, 10 days after receiving your item is good estimate
on a turnaround time for your item(s) to start their way back to you.
Do Prices Include Shipping?
Pricing does not include shipping. You can select your shipping options at time of purchase. Customer pays to ship items for restoration, and is billed for return shipping upon complettion. No items will sent/returned to the customer untl all payments are recieved in full.
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Returns and Refunds
We will be happy to refund the purchase price of returned items.
Restoration fees are non refundable. If you are a unhappy with your restoration, you may send it back to us and we will atttempt to rectify the problem free of charge. We will also send it back to you at no cost.
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